Wednesday, November 10th, 2021
Greetings in the name of Christ our Lord and God!
We would like to remind the faithful of the weekly services held at Mar Zaia Cathedral. * Daily Vespers at 5:30pm * Join us for Daily Vespers commencing 5:30pm (except Sunday's). * Children's Ministry Every Monday * Join us every Monday for Children's Ministry from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. Children join together in the Mar Zaia Educational Center then separate into classes by age groups. Join their Remind101 text messages by texting "@assyr" to 81010. You can also find more information here. * Friday, November 12th at 9:00am * The Divine Liturgy of Holy Qurbana is celebrated every Friday commencing at 9:00AM at Mar Zaia Cathedral. * Friday, November 12th at 5:30pm * Assyrian Language Classes for ages 5 & up are held every Friday commencing at 5:30pm beginning with Sloota in the Mar Zaia Educational Center followed by class sessions. Join their Remind101 text messages by texting "@assyr" to 81010. * Friday, November 12th at 7:30pm * Join the Mar Zaia Cathedral Youth Group (ages 13 & up) every Friday at 7:30pm for Bible Studies. This week's topic: "Who Do You Say I Am" Mark 8:27-30. We encourage our beloved youth to join us every friday. Following Bible Studies, fellowship will take place in the Mar Zaia Educational Center. Join their Remind101 text messages by texting "@mzyouth" to 81010. * Sunday, November 14th at 9:00am * The Divine Liturgy of Holy Qurbana for the Third Sunday of the Hallowing of the Church will be celebrated every Sunday, Nov. 14th commencing at 9:00AM at Mar Zaia Cathedral. Following Raza Qadisha, breakfast fellowship will take place in the Parish Hall.
This weeks readings are as follows:
Lection 1
Numbers 7:1-10; 9:15-20
Lection 2
Isaiah 54:1-15
Hebrew 9:5-15 or 1 Corinthians 2:10-3 (all)
John 2:12-22
* Annual Parish Membership * As there are just about two months remaining till the end of the year, we humbly remind you of the yearly membership donation for 2021.
Please visit the parish office on Sunday's after the conclusion of the service or visit our online giving site to fulfill your Christian biblical obligation.
* Support Grace Academy Christian Preschool * Support GACP by making a purchase of See's Candies this Holiday Season! Ordering is easy and contact-free with online ordering and shipping right to your doorstep. All proceeds go to GACP. For more information please contact Ms. Claudia Davidoff our Preschool Director. Click here to begin shopping!
Also, this Sunday GACP, is hosting a Breakfast Fundraiser following Raza Qadisha in the Parish Hall. Please find additional details in the flyer below:
* 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive * We are just about 2 week away from our 3rd Annual Thanksgiving Dinner Drive. Below is a list of items we need donated as well as other details. We are also seeking monetary donations to purchase and hand out blankets & care packages for the less fortunate in our community. If you are interested in contributing by making a donation we will still be accepting donations through Sunday, Nov 21st.
Please feel free to make a donation by visiting our online donation site or contacting Mike Banyamin at (209) 568-7482. Online Donation Site
We continue the food drive in honor of our beloved brother in Christ,
Sub-Deacon Shaun Toma
In closing, we thank you for your continued support and pray that the gracious Lord God will continue to bless you and your family in abundance.
Blessings to all,
Mar Zaia Cathedral Mutwa ♱