Saturday, January 16th, 2021
Beloved Parishioners,
We hope this letter finds you and your family is good health.
We would like to inform our beloved faithful members of a few changes taking place for the next two weeks at Mar Zaia Cathedral. On Sunday, January 17th and Sunday, January 25th Raza Qadisha will be closed to the public and we will be operating at a “Bookhra Drive Thru” style only. We understand that it is unfortunate that we won’t be able to come all together to celebrate Raza Qadisha but we are taking these precautions for the safety of the clergy and parishioners.
Raza Qadisha will be livestreamed on Facebook commencing at 9am and Bookhra will be distributed in the church parking lot from 10:30am – 11:30am.
If you wish to fulfill your 2021 Membership Donation or any other donation please visit: https://www.marzaiacathedral.org/donate.
Second & Third Sunday of Epiphany, Readings:
Lection 1: Numbers 10:29-11:10 | Numbers 11:11-20
Lection 2: Isaiah 45:11-17 | Isaiah 45:18-46:4
Apostle: Hebrews 3:1-13 | Hebrews 3:14-4:10
Gospel: John 1:1-28 | John 1:29-42
With Many Blessings,
The Mar Zaia Cathedral Committee
